It does take time. It does take an investment. It does take emotional effort and time away from all those other things you have going on.
I know you’re busy and this is another thing to squeeze into the day-to-day. I get that, absolutely.
And I also know you’re here for a reason.
You stumbled or mad clicked onto this website looking to see if this is it. If this is the ticket.
And this can be that ticket to relief and the change you’re looking for in your life.
So with that investment, I try to make it simple, doable, and impactful. You can sign up for monthly, every other week, weekly…whatever fits where you’re at on your journey.
And you’re never locked into anything. If I’m not a good fit, I get it, and I’ll help you find that next therapist that might be.
Some options and info are below for you.
$120- 50 minute individual session
$65 - 25 minute individual session
$130 - 50 minute couples session
$70 - 25 minute couples session
$220- 2 hours session (10$ off per hour)
$240- 2 hours session (10$ off per hour)